Steel Rule Die Cutting
What is through cutting?
Through cutting is the process of cutting completely through the material to the lower cutting surface.
What are some limitations of steel rule die cutting?
Steel rule die cutting is limited by the intricacies of the die shape, the required tonnage and the cost.
What is kiss cutting?
Kiss cutting is cutting the top layer of a laminated material without disturbing the underlying layer(s).
How can tonnage requirements for different materials be calculated?
Calculating the tonnage requirements for different materials typically requires certain test equipment including a sharp circular die preferably 1Å“circumference (diameter x (p ) 3.141), and an adjustable pressure press. The shear strength of the material is determined, using the die and press providing a Pounds/Linear Inch value. A few other factors must be compensated for such as the type of ejection being used, and the distance between rules (blades).
The values in the table are valid using a sharp 2 pt. X .937 rule (blade) without ejection. When calculating the tonnage requirements there are a few Å“rules of thumb
Include an additional 15% for ejection.
Circles of .375 diameter and smaller are calculated as 2.5 linear inches of rule.
Where two parallel rules (blades) are .25 or less from one another, add 1/2 length of the shorter rule.